BSc in Criminology & Criminal Justice
Criminology and Criminal Justice is a new discipline included in the major study field of Humanities and Social Sciences. BSc in Criminology & Criminal Justice is a Three Year Bachelor’s Degree Programme (SLQF level 5) offered by the Department of Criminology of the Faculty of Criminal Justice. The successful undergraduates will achieve BSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice qualification. This study programme comprises of 90 credits. The medium of instruction of the degree programme is English.
In general, this programme enables the students to develop a comprehensive and systematic understanding of the criminal justice process undertaken from multidisciplinary perspectives.
The aforementioned objective can be elaborated as follows:
- To provide an in-depth knowledge of the fundamentals of criminology, covering key issues such as who commits crime, why commits crime and how society responds towards crime;
- To provide a comprehensive knowledge of the criminal justice system in Sri Lanka with a comparison of criminal justice systems in selected jurisdictions;
- To provide a thorough knowledge of international crimes, transnational crimes and the international criminal justice system;
- To provide an inclusive description and analysis of the different international institutions that are related to criminal justice system locally and internationally;
- To provide an in-depth knowledge of the multidisciplinary nature of the subject area of criminology and criminal justice and the related subject areas of the different disciplines of study which are connected criminology and criminal justice;
- To provide a broad overview of different social dimensions of criminal justice and necessity of ensuring justice for all;
- To enhance the skills required to become a highly proficient researcher, adept at communicating his/her findings to both a specialist and non-specialist audience;
- To improve the basic professional skills required of a professional engaging in the criminal justice system;
- To improve professional ethics that are integral and essential for a professional in criminal justice system;
- To provide proper guidance to find out new methods, strategies and dimensions that correspond with new philosophical policies in criminology and criminal justice jurisprudence to adapt to the diverse nature of criminality in changing world.
With a successful completion of the BSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice Degree programme, graduates of the qualification will be able to:
- Build the knowledge on the key theoretical perspectives on crime, deviance and punishment;
- Gain more comprehensive knowledge of the Criminal Justice System in Sri Lanka;
- Increase the knowledge of the international criminal justice system;
- Develop the ability to critically examine arguments for and against the social construction of criminality including some aspects of gender, class and race etc.;
- Develop the ability to analyze the global trajectory of the institutionalization of crime control and punishment;
- Acquire the skills to present clear, analytical arguments both verbally and in written form on the subjects they learn, and wider debates in the area of crime-related policy-making;
- Demonstrate specialized technical and administrative skills required in crime investigations;
- Develop organizational systems that foster problem solving within the local and International communities;
- Assess various investigative techniques and demonstrate the ability to select the most appropriate technique among the varied investigative techniques available and adopted domestically/locally and internationally;
- Communicate effectively with all the relevant stakeholders, such as different communities, professionals, law enforcement authorities etc;
- Demonstrate the ability to work effectively and ethically with diverse populations while demonstrating integrity;
- Demonstrate the responsibility and accountability to all actions related in professional life;
- Incorporate community involvement in creation of a safe environment related to law enforcement;
- Examine the ethical implications of professional and personal actions in law enforcement;
- Apply leadership and management skills related to the criminal justice system
A KDU Criminology and Criminal Justice graduate would be able to apply the critical knowledge of crime in society and existing criminal justice institutions, in an interdisciplinary manner. He/she may find opportunities in policing and security, intelligence, probation and parole, child protection, crime analysis, courts and justice services, government agencies, crime prevention and regulatory agencies. A graduate will be prepared for a career in law enforcement, working directly with offenders in welfare and counselling roles, and in criminological research, policy-making and advisory roles. A graduate would be able to identify current problems and research into necessary areas of criminology and criminal justice, with a view towards promoting a more just society.
Year 1
- Advanced Criminology
- Basic Study Skills English
- Corrections
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Procedure
- English for Academic Purposes I
- Fundamentals of Criminology
- Fundamentals of Law I
- Fundamentals of Law II
- Introduction to Information Technology
- Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
- Penology
- Policing and Police Administration
- Professional Skills and Criminal Justice
Year 2
- Children and Justice
- Comparative Criminal Justice Systems
- Conflict, Peace and Reconciliation
- Criminal Investigation I
- Criminal Investigation II (Ballistics & Explosives)
- English for Academic Purposes II
- English for Academic Purposes III
- Gender Justice
- Law of Evidence
- Policing and Crime Prevention
- Professional Ethics and Criminal Justice
- Security and Safety Management
- Victimology
Year 3
- Criminal and Forensic Psychology
- Cyber Criminology
- Forensic Science Investigations
- Green Criminology
- Human Rights in Criminal Justice
- International Crime and Justice
- International Politics & International Institutions
- Internship
- Medical science
- Research Methodology
- Research Project